Well yesterday i had quite a nice day.
It was Sajeesh ettans and Nisha chechi's party for all of us.
I had a nice dinner and filled myself up.
The next thing was the night-out at anups place.It was fun and lot better than what i had expected.We were 6 of us and we had quite a chit-chat and it was a very interesting discussion and that was when i actually realised that people do think a lot and my friends also thought a lot.We were worried about many things that needed to be changed in India and we discussed on the major flaws in the Indian system as a whole.
Vinay fired it up with the question about my college and my class and everything and i was very much disappointed with my college and its people,well i am not complaining but i am not happy.This is the time when we are suppose to work hard,think smart and use our brains for good deeds but nothing is happening with me and my people in college.They are there to catch you when you fall but you only fall when you try climbing something tall i.e when you start thinking and doing things out of the box and not the conventional way.As long as we don't really do that i don't find any reason why India remains the same,as long as the attitude of the students change and as long as the education is just theoretical and the students know to practically implement what they have studied.As long as creativity is given more preference to just getting marks out of the books vomiting every shit that's there in your book,not able to question anyone and just acceoting what the others say.
Yes these were our topics of discussion yesterday.
I feel really down when we access the progress of education in India because we have not progressed at all.We still study the same old things we have been studying and we end up being a 'Jack of all trades and master of none'.But that is not what the future demands and we really lack a better system capable of bringing out the best who are masters in whatever they do.
Have you ever thought the reason why we don't get too many people winning the Nobel prize or contributing significantly for science from India??
Why is it that the people in the West have a better practical knowledge and win more laurels than we Indians in the scientific arena??
Yes that is what should be changed.
In my last post i was talking about whether India is a completely Independent nation and i would add this lack of a practical educational system to be among one of the reasons why we are still dependent!!!
In my perspective the biggest flaw in Indians is that we are lazy,lazy to do things ourselves and just follow the same path.And the reason why we follow the same path is because we are worried if we wouldn get to the destination if we go by a different path.That's what the western people are exploiting in Indians.Indians never try improving their skills once they develop a skill,rather they work the same way they were working till the quit doing it.They lack perfection & sincerity the 2 components that adds life to what you do.They do it just because that gibes them money and they can run their family with that.Yes that is enough for them,they are worried only about their living and their family and not interested in making the world a better place to live in.
I call Indians as emotional idiots,waiting for an opportunity to get angry,or fall into tears or not going to office for work.They don't understand the fact that the development of their place of work improves their way of life.It is because they are taught that way,if we are taught that sum of 2 and 2 is 5 an Indian will not question the teacher and ask him why is it 5 and tell him that it is actually 4(yes many of you might be doing it,but sorry to say majority don't do that).
The next mistake among Indians is their egoistic behaviour,they don't encourage people who do good or think different rather we term them as nerds and stay away from them.We don't encourage our own friends who think different,we forget that fact that neither Galileo on his theory about the rotation of the earth nor Einstein on his theory of relativity were accepted by the people the first time they heard it.And we just follow those same rules and who ever thinks out of the box is thrashed and are not given the support they need.
Have you ever imagined of an engine capable;e of running in diesel and petrol??Well if you haven't even thought of it then we have another Indian who is implementing it.
Have you ever thought of storing your data in a sheet of paper and decode the information through a computer??Here again we have an Indian student who has found out that we can store up to 2000GB of data in a A4 sized sheet of paper.
No one even thought that we could use thorium for fast breeder nuclear reactors and we Indians made it possible.
So we are not really incapable of changing things but its just that our system is lacking that approach,its just that we are too lazy to think and make our brain work,its just that we are ready to just accept the Wong and not question it.
I hope it changes one day and for it to change we should change.Every Indian should change,every parent should change,the students should have the liberty to learn what they love and make sure they don't hate what they do.If the child doesn't like mathematics leave him and let him study something without mathematics in it,everyone has an internal genius in him and unless we help them sort it out education is always a failure because 'a person works better once he knows what he is suppose to do and not when he is ignorant about his task and abilities'.
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Hi, this blog is all about my perception of life and the happenings and mis-happenings in my life.Few of them might even seem similar to your life too and my experiences might give you a solution for a sinking problem of yours.I have loads of cool people and they make my today lot better than yesterday and hope i make your life a better one day by day!Cheers!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
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About Me

- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...
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