Finally India won a gold after nearly 28 years.Hats off to Abhinav Bindra.But i am not proud of this achievement or proud to be saying that i am an Indian when it comes to sports(no cricket please).Think of our real time neighbours China,in the medals tally they are not even our virtual neighbours.Olympics has been there for a long time now but India is still not able to carve a place for itself ever.I pity this country.I pity its people.Yes there are times when we say we are proud to be Indians but not when a 100crore people's country gets just a single medal and an American single handedly getting 5 medals in a single Olympics.
Is it that we dont have people capable of fighting the best in the world?
The second populous country in the world is not able to send atleast .0000001% of the Indian population fit for Olympics,is that not pathetic?the 100crore people's country is not able to get 100 people participating in it when our neighbour China is getting nearly 1500 participants?When a country like Australia is able to get more people in and get more medals,when the poor people of Ethiopia and Somalia are doing better than us.
Is it a problem with the people of our country,who rejoice for every single achievement and mourn for every single downfall(mourning is more often done) or is it the problem with the authorities who know no other game than Cricket.Did they forget the fact that cricket is not even our game and we have a national game called Hockey there like a motherless child facing step-mother's neglect.
Or did Abhinav actually get the medal because he had a private room for doing his practice without having to sweat it out in the sun?Does this really imply that you need to be rich to get a medal?His father presenting his son a 200crore hotel!!!
cant we produce more Abhinav Bindra's who are not from the golden plate or not even the silver one and who dont really have a private place for practice.Cant the poor be there where this entire country wants them to be,cant the authorities ever try finding out the talents in the interiors of this country who are among the best and skill them before they are deprived off their talent by God.
When will they really learn?A true Indian can never rejoice at this single medal tally and can never be happy with the developments here.Even after 62 years of Independence we are not really there.
Too much of politics in sports make the poor being over-thrown by others.India has better swimmers in the interiors who dont even know that there is such a thing called olympics or even that swimming is a talent and they are the masters,they are people who are in the interiors whose aims never go wrong,how can we ever bring them into the real scene and show the world that Indians are just begginnign and there is a lot left for us to do.There are people capable of beating the best and make us proud more often.
I hope they make the changes and bring in a better system capable of bringing the talented kids and provide them education and hygienic food.
This is a cry of a desperate and true Indian.
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
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- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...
2 Thoughts:
Indians being apathetic or not serious towards Olympics is the problem? Does our physique matter?
Physique is something we develop over the years.But as long as the Sports Authority of India encourage the sports people financially and mentally it is very difficult for the talented poor to come up to the real stage!!
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