I have been thinking on various issues and things going around these days.
They are bothering me a lot really,why is the world in spite of all these technologies and developments becoming a worse place day by day?
It is very confusing,people suing the community and the world for their personal interests is a common thing these days.I feel sorry for all those people who dream t and are working towards making a better world tomorrow.They lose their morale and are demotivated by these mishappenings around the world.
I pity the Mr.Ratan Tata,an entrepreneur who understands the need of the people and who dreams big to lift the spirit of the nation.Yes for developing and changing things we need to compromise on certain things but then if it is always one the compromising part it is a bigger issue and needs to be addressed.
The Singur plant of the Tata's where the phenomenal concept of a poor man's car the Nano is under serious threat of being shutdown because of the protests by the residents.The concept of Nano was one thing that gathered the attention of the world as a whole and made the bigger companies turn their head towards this concept of the mighty Indian Mr.Ratan Tata.And now they would be looking at this nation with the fear of shutting down their production if ever they tried entering the Indian market.It is definitely a great set-back for we Indians who are proudly saying that India is the next super-power and it is the best time to start a business in India.
The Indian politics is ruining things.
They are protesting because the government had alloted farmland of the size of nearly 987acres for the Tata's for their project.But they dont really understand that setting up an industry can provide works for even more people directly and indirectly,they bluntly go behind their leaders words.These acts can lead to economic crisis in this whole nation.
You might be thinking why i said the whole nation will be troubled?
Here is the reason,Indians are basically people who love to gather attention,and they are motivated when someone else does a thing as Mamata Banerjee is doing against the tata's and the other fame-hungry politicians would try doing the same kinds of acts of shame for the nation against other ventures coming up in our nation.Is it not a cause of concern?
Havent we been hearing of the Tata group right from the days of freedom struggle?
Arent they a big factor in the development of this nation?
Werent we proud when the Tata steel aquired Corus steel,or when Tata motors aquired Jaguar,Landrover deals?
Why is it that they dont look at the past of a company that has played its part in the development of India,developing along with the nation?
It is in the general interest of the nation that Mr.Ratan Tata proposed the Nano plan even though the profit for the company would come down because of the increased cost of steel and oil.But he stuck to his word of gifting a car for the nation.Then why dont they respect his decision and motivate him rather than blindly blocking the operation?
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Hi, this blog is all about my perception of life and the happenings and mis-happenings in my life.Few of them might even seem similar to your life too and my experiences might give you a solution for a sinking problem of yours.I have loads of cool people and they make my today lot better than yesterday and hope i make your life a better one day by day!Cheers!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
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About Me

- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...
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