Are we really Independent???
Is it that independence just means that we are no more slaves of the British???
Don't you think being Independent really means a lot more???
I am an Indian citizen who really believes that India is not independent and its just that we are taught that we are independent.An independent country will not have such a shameful politics and where the rich just get richer and poor just keep serving the rich.
A country cant really be called independent if the authorities serve the people just for canvassing votes and ruin the nation.India is not independent from the clutches of poor politicians or from hands of the capitalists(they do help in developing the nation) who are the worst tax payers(remember the primary source of income for a nation is the tax) and who are capable of turning the white money into black money.
Let me start with the politics.Has anyone ever scene an even worse behavior in the parliament where the peoples representatives show the world that they got bribes from the ruling party or that they were offered bribes by the ruling party.I was ashamed to be called an Indian then,when the world look at you with agony and shame,when the already corrupt politicians show their counterparts that they again got bribe,when the opposition party is opposing anything the ruling party wants to do whether it is good or bad.
Is that really good politics??
When the whole world is in an energy crisis and the only way out of it is to bring more of nuclear power stations,the government have no other choice but to go for it and that was when the opposition and the alliance parties oppose the very important move for their own reasons.
India is suppose to have one of the biggest oil resource in the whole world,but in spite of that they need to import more oil from other countries.They can work on developing and extracting its own oil base but they don't do that and find digging in someone else's oil well better for a lot higher price.
India is one of the slowest countries when it comes to starting a business,it is almost 15 times more than that of US and nearly 4 times more than that of our neighbors Pakistan and twice more than China.In the US starting a business takes just 5 days and in India it takes a whooping 90 days.Does that really show that we are independent???
I am proud that India is the biggest democracy in the world and do they really understand what democracy is???
The 2Nd populous country in the world should definitely have a better system for the people to elect their representatives.I am afraid that more than half of the population don't even bother voting and that deprives the nation of good politicians.I have even seen people having criminal backgrounds representing the people and later(after a long journey of murders and assassinations) become ministers.
I feel really sad when a true Indian in spite of knowing all this telling himself and others that we are independent.Independence implies a secure life,an impartial law and order and an effective judiciary.
Do you ever think you are secure in India??
Is the law and order impartial??
Every single court in the country has 1000's of cases pending and every petty case it taking years to get its result.Whose mistake is this??There is no proper judiciary in this nation,yes they can say an excuse of a 100 crore population but i am sure that we have enough number of courts to accommodate these cases and if the Indian police put in their act they can improve this situation to a great extend.
Is India really independent when the recession in America and the rest of the world affects every single family in India rich or poor??
Aren't we shifting towards the western culture,the culture what the British are following,the culture what the Americans are used to???
Aren't we using the language what the British left for us for our development??
And still we are complaining about the old British rule,no one ever understands the fact that for achieving something good we need to lose many things.That's just what we have undergone,the slavery,the misery and every suffering for igniting the present achievements in our country.
When will the Hindu's and Muslim's stop fighting with each other like Dracula waiting for an opportunity to drink each others blood or when will the educated officials remove the reservation in the educational system on the basis of caste and creed???
When can the poor man sleeping by the road side get to have a shelter,when will the underprivileged children get to go to schools and study and not work for their living??
When will the capitalists ever stop exploiting the working class depriving of their basic requirements??
When will we get to a stage where the opposition ever supports the ruling party for something good they do??
When will an Indian be able to start a business in India in a weeks time??
When will Indian judiciary be more firm and consistent and reliable and faster??
I would prefer to say that we are independent then when i get to answer all these questions myself.Till then i would be one Indian who believes that India is only partially independent and there are many things that needs to be changed in this nation!!!
2 Thoughts:
Nice thought...
Thanks chechi..this is the 1st comment for my blog.
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