The day started off well with the Chennai Marathon,and i just went out with my parents to the beach and spend some quality time with them there.These small moments are always memorable,the minutes you spend with your parents looking at them being younger and playing around.I enjoy their activities where in they don't really know that they are being very kiddish.I rejoice at it.Yes,in this fast paced world the best thing you can be is to imagine yourself being an innocent kid.You can only imagine because we cant really be a kid at heart with our knowledge.
Imagining that transition of being a real man from an innocent child would really take us aback.The days when we wondered and scratched our head on many silly things,the days we used to play with the girl sitting next to us in class with no foul thoughts,the times we asked our parents on how a child is born and the times we wondered why are the actresses and actors marrying many people in movies,wondering on whether tying a knot around the bride would make her pregnant(if not you i used to imagine all these things) and then the times we thought whether the world would be destroyed one day and the fear that develops inside when we think of losing our parents.The happiness we felt when our dad bought us the best toy we wanted,the times our mother(mummy) used to tie us(they used to put me inside a drum) to make sure that we dont keep disturbing them all the time playing and running around like children.
The days when we used get poor marks in an exam and we take it to our parents with the fear of getting a nice beating from them,but having no other go but to somehow get it signed by them to make sure that we are not punished in class the next day.The days at school especially the days of parents-teachers meetings when the teachers complain fo you and you look at your dad's face with fear and anguish.The first cycle bought,and the first time we fell down from it and hurt ourselves but still not losing hope we fought hard and finally got enough courage to try riding the cycle without holding the handle.The first school picnic.The first time we saw our parents fighting,dad shouting at mom and mom shouting back and after sometime she breaksdown and thats just when dad goes and confesses.We had no voice then.
I don't always try to bring those moments into my memory,they are to be cherished and things to be cherished in life needn't be thought of often.But at times those memories just drive their way in the memory lane and the feeling at that point of time,wow it is just wonderful.No one's life is complete without these memories.Yes,every single person would have thought of their childhood days with a glimpse of shyness at their acts and with the misery of having lost that innocence and its flavor in them over the years.
But make sure that in this busy and selfish world you dont lose your memories and make sure those memories are intact because that will be how your children will grow up and the best way to bring them up is to be them and understand their heart.
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Hi, this blog is all about my perception of life and the happenings and mis-happenings in my life.Few of them might even seem similar to your life too and my experiences might give you a solution for a sinking problem of yours.I have loads of cool people and they make my today lot better than yesterday and hope i make your life a better one day by day!Cheers!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
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About Me

- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...
2 Thoughts:
keep rockin
u hve a nice language and stuff
especially this one was fantastc in its content
thanx for the comments etta.
with you people around i cant be that bad in language hehe.. :)
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