Well today was the great event Chennai Marathon held.I am happy to be a part of it.
I have seen these kinds of marathon's only over the television and finally today i got lot closer to it and was able to participate in it myself.I haven't in my life seen so many people at a single stretch.From young kids to very old,people from all categories,the upper section of the society running with the people of the lower sections.It was a symbol of unity.
I was not able to participate in the 21.09 km marathon(thank God) since i got up late and couldnt get there in time.So i participated in the 7km marathon.This shorter one itself seemed to be a tedious task for me.But i am happy that i completed my run.Though i was well behind Rakesh(bro) and Helwin(my friend) i finally managed it.
I never knew it was such a massive event.And the next good thing is that Chennai Marathon has become the 3rd costliest marathon in the world.But the fact that annoys me would me Indians dont really win the event(i dont know who the winner is,but a wild guess says that no Indian could have won it).So the next step should be to make sure that the natives give a tough competition for the people from other parts of the world for their money and pride.And i hope we could make it to the Guiness book of records for being the biggest marathon ever,if not this time atleast next year.I am surely going to make my parents too participate in it next year.
Cheers to the organizers for having done a great job and Chennaities for having made it a great success.
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
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- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...
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