Hi, this blog is all about my perception of life and the happenings and mis-happenings in my life.Few of them might even seem similar to your life too and my experiences might give you a solution for a sinking problem of yours.I have loads of cool people and they make my today lot better than yesterday and hope i make your life a better one day by day!Cheers!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
A memorable day!!!
Imagining that transition of being a real man from an innocent child would really take us aback.The days when we wondered and scratched our head on many silly things,the days we used to play with the girl sitting next to us in class with no foul thoughts,the times we asked our parents on how a child is born and the times we wondered why are the actresses and actors marrying many people in movies,wondering on whether tying a knot around the bride would make her pregnant(if not you i used to imagine all these things) and then the times we thought whether the world would be destroyed one day and the fear that develops inside when we think of losing our parents.The happiness we felt when our dad bought us the best toy we wanted,the times our mother(mummy) used to tie us(they used to put me inside a drum) to make sure that we dont keep disturbing them all the time playing and running around like children.
The days when we used get poor marks in an exam and we take it to our parents with the fear of getting a nice beating from them,but having no other go but to somehow get it signed by them to make sure that we are not punished in class the next day.The days at school especially the days of parents-teachers meetings when the teachers complain fo you and you look at your dad's face with fear and anguish.The first cycle bought,and the first time we fell down from it and hurt ourselves but still not losing hope we fought hard and finally got enough courage to try riding the cycle without holding the handle.The first school picnic.The first time we saw our parents fighting,dad shouting at mom and mom shouting back and after sometime she breaksdown and thats just when dad goes and confesses.We had no voice then.
I don't always try to bring those moments into my memory,they are to be cherished and things to be cherished in life needn't be thought of often.But at times those memories just drive their way in the memory lane and the feeling at that point of time,wow it is just wonderful.No one's life is complete without these memories.Yes,every single person would have thought of their childhood days with a glimpse of shyness at their acts and with the misery of having lost that innocence and its flavor in them over the years.
But make sure that in this busy and selfish world you dont lose your memories and make sure those memories are intact because that will be how your children will grow up and the best way to bring them up is to be them and understand their heart.
Chennai Marathon!!!
I have seen these kinds of marathon's only over the television and finally today i got lot closer to it and was able to participate in it myself.I haven't in my life seen so many people at a single stretch.From young kids to very old,people from all categories,the upper section of the society running with the people of the lower sections.It was a symbol of unity.
I was not able to participate in the 21.09 km marathon(thank God) since i got up late and couldnt get there in time.So i participated in the 7km marathon.This shorter one itself seemed to be a tedious task for me.But i am happy that i completed my run.Though i was well behind Rakesh(bro) and Helwin(my friend) i finally managed it.
I never knew it was such a massive event.And the next good thing is that Chennai Marathon has become the 3rd costliest marathon in the world.But the fact that annoys me would me Indians dont really win the event(i dont know who the winner is,but a wild guess says that no Indian could have won it).So the next step should be to make sure that the natives give a tough competition for the people from other parts of the world for their money and pride.And i hope we could make it to the Guiness book of records for being the biggest marathon ever,if not this time atleast next year.I am surely going to make my parents too participate in it next year.
Cheers to the organizers for having done a great job and Chennaities for having made it a great success.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Delayed Thoughts!!!
They are bothering me a lot really,why is the world in spite of all these technologies and developments becoming a worse place day by day?
It is very confusing,people suing the community and the world for their personal interests is a common thing these days.I feel sorry for all those people who dream t and are working towards making a better world tomorrow.They lose their morale and are demotivated by these mishappenings around the world.
I pity the Mr.Ratan Tata,an entrepreneur who understands the need of the people and who dreams big to lift the spirit of the nation.Yes for developing and changing things we need to compromise on certain things but then if it is always one the compromising part it is a bigger issue and needs to be addressed.
The Singur plant of the Tata's where the phenomenal concept of a poor man's car the Nano is under serious threat of being shutdown because of the protests by the residents.The concept of Nano was one thing that gathered the attention of the world as a whole and made the bigger companies turn their head towards this concept of the mighty Indian Mr.Ratan Tata.And now they would be looking at this nation with the fear of shutting down their production if ever they tried entering the Indian market.It is definitely a great set-back for we Indians who are proudly saying that India is the next super-power and it is the best time to start a business in India.
The Indian politics is ruining things.
They are protesting because the government had alloted farmland of the size of nearly 987acres for the Tata's for their project.But they dont really understand that setting up an industry can provide works for even more people directly and indirectly,they bluntly go behind their leaders words.These acts can lead to economic crisis in this whole nation.
You might be thinking why i said the whole nation will be troubled?
Here is the reason,Indians are basically people who love to gather attention,and they are motivated when someone else does a thing as Mamata Banerjee is doing against the tata's and the other fame-hungry politicians would try doing the same kinds of acts of shame for the nation against other ventures coming up in our nation.Is it not a cause of concern?
Havent we been hearing of the Tata group right from the days of freedom struggle?
Arent they a big factor in the development of this nation?
Werent we proud when the Tata steel aquired Corus steel,or when Tata motors aquired Jaguar,Landrover deals?
Why is it that they dont look at the past of a company that has played its part in the development of India,developing along with the nation?
It is in the general interest of the nation that Mr.Ratan Tata proposed the Nano plan even though the profit for the company would come down because of the increased cost of steel and oil.But he stuck to his word of gifting a car for the nation.Then why dont they respect his decision and motivate him rather than blindly blocking the operation?
Friday, August 22, 2008
I am leaving on a jet-plane!!
I am leaving for my hometown today evening.
It was just decided early morning today when pappa just came to me and said that we will go today and come back on Monday evening.
I am excited because this is my first long drive after having started to drive the car.
And pappa wants me to do most of the driving as well,yes any guy of my age would be excited.I need to be a more matured driver today and i have my entire family behind me,yes i am a family man in the car.Taking care of a whole family,being more responsible,its interesting,definitely more interesting than being responsible after having started to love a girl.
I still don't know his plans,everything will be in a hurry-berry,visiting my grandma and uncle.Then going over to palakkad and talk to my grandad and spend some time with him and then meet few of my friends.Its fun.I will have a detailed look at the spot where myself and madhu ettan(ravi mama's friend) had to get behind the car and push it the last time we 3 went to Gudalur(mummy's place).That was a horrible day.
Yes i am quite used to going on long-drives.It started almost a decade ago when we used to go regularly from trivandrum to palakkad and all the driving was done by just pappa.Now he has my compnay,they have another driver.So see you after i come back.Chennaities have loads more fun though you would miss me..lol..
I will surely miss you too!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Indians rejoice!!!
/*I am a happier blogger today,yes certain things motivate us a lot.The more you are motivated the better your output would be.Thanks a ton to Veena madam and Devi chechi.Veena madam for her valuable suggestion and asking me to start thinking on how myself and the student community can contribute for the betterment of sports in India(i don't consider cricket as a sport in India).Devi chechi(an IITan) for having said that my language is nice and for the fact that she feels like blogging after reading my blog.*/
I am a prouder Indian now.
Yes i wasn't that proud because of the poor show by our country in the Olympics if not for the lone Abhinav Bindra.I wasn't really happy with 100 crore people rejoicing over a single medal.
And now we have 2 more added to the tally of medals,irrespective of whether it is gold or silver or bronze.
So the 100crore peoples country now has 3 medals.Sushil and Vijender have got 2 more medals for this mighty nation.And then the Jamaican Hussain Bolt has again re-written history,yet another milestone by beating the world record time in 200m.He is no wonder the fastest man on earth.I like him for his attitude.
India pulled off a suppose to be easy win in a difficult way.Thanks to Dhoni.
And hey Dhoni watch out mate,we got the Olympians coming back for the race on who will don the cap of being the endorsement icon.
It was a holiday for me today.I actually wanted to format my system and its 22:45 and i haven't done that yet.These days i have developed a habit of forgetting few important things in my life,i need to work on it.I went to Giri's house and picked few software's.
I don't have much to write about today.And yes Pappa prepared the dinner today,and Mummy was happy.
'Little things in life makes you happier'
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The precious past!!!
Oh they were just so precious in my making the real Rahul ready to face the world.
The silly fights,the stupid jokes which only people of your calibre understood,the fiefdom you show-off when you get the best mark or when you are made the class-leader.
Will those days ever come back.
I really miss my past(so does everyone).I wish i could just go back or if not go back go meet those friends of mine one day at the same places where we bid good-bye,play a game of cricket at the same old school ground,wish i could just stand outside the class for doing some mischief in the same old class of mine and the same old teachers.
Wish if i could just go back and say a 'hi' to all of them with a belief that they wouldnt have forgotten me,not everyone at least a handful of them.
One school i miss the most in my life would be Kendriya Vidyalaya,Pallipuram,trivandrum'.My misery when i was about to leave that school knew no bounds.
Many untold love stories,the humongous school ground,every day sports periods,the broken hindi of mine,pretty little girls,for-ever friendships.
I miss them all.They meant a lot to me but the journey of life has taken me miles away from it,and looking back at those days brings a void in me.
A void i can never fill,a void that wil stay as a void forever,a void of ambiguities,miseries,nostalgic emotions.
The never-ending cricket matches,i dreamed of leading the school team one-day,yes just a dream.
The last 'Onam Pookalam(flower arrangement)' where i was the one who was in charge of bringing the flowers to school for my house(team).That was my last day at school.I managed to do my job perfect as a house-member.I never understood why i didnt try talking to many of the then important people in my life and get their contact details so that they dont forget me,so that i never missed them so much.
I wish i could just go back to the past and do that.
I need to talk a lot more about those days which i will be doing over this month.
How i got into kendriya Vidyalaya Pallipuram
Making friends there
The first class test
Early experiences of travelling an hour in school bus
The school over the years(i was there for nearly 3 years,thats the maximum time i have spent in a single school till date).
The all new excitements of every-day sports periods.
The 1st indirect proposal and incidents that followed it.
The naughty dreams.
The untold love-stories.
The not-to-be-seen stuff(not too many of them but still).
The environmental lunch hours(though it sounds crazy,i can justify it).
The first hand experience of planting a banana tree(social work hours).
The post-exam ceremonies.
The silly fights.
Learning Hindi.
The recitations and declamation.
Early morning assembly quizzes and though for the day.
And loads more....
the rest of the posts on this label will be posted at http://linktorahul.blogspot.com do visit that blog of mine.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I am a more happier guy today!!!
Boxer Akhil Kumar could not measure up to his own gallant expectations and went down 3-10 in a one-sided bantamweight (54kg) quarterfinal bout against Moldovan Gojan Vaeceslav, enduring the pain of bowing out when the Olympic medal was within his grasp.
In the track and field, triple jumper Renjith Maheswary added to the miserable run of Indian sportspersons as he could not attain his own best at home by falling a metre short and could only manage 35th place overall among 37 competitors.
In women's table tennis singles, Neha Aggarwal's Olympic challenge ended in the first round as she bit the dust against Chinese-born Australian Jian Fang Lay.
So thats it about the bad news.
And now the good news is that Mr.Parves Musharaff has resigned.
I hated him for bringing in too much of a hypocritical rule in Pakistan and for helping the Americans in whatever stupid things they did.
I still believe he was the reason behind the assassination of Mrs.Benazir Bhutto.I want him to face the most severe punishment for that.He also wanted the lawyers and judges who were not supporting his regime to be thrown off and that showed his selfish act.I hate when people of his authority forget about their nation and its well-being and just think about their own personal activities.
I am sure that the Pakistani people and the new government will take its revenge on Musharaff even though he might have his own reasons for his actions.The government should prove to the Pakistani military that nothing is bigger than the people and the government.The new government should completely overthrow the terrorist forces and bring in peace in that poor country.I always feel sorry for its people and i still believe that they are also our blood though many act indifferent i am sure that majority of the people still have a part of their heart for India and its people.
I wonder how the people in that part of the world actually manage to overcome all these regular terror attacks and still go on with their livelihood.I dont think people of anyother part of the world can ever even think about something like that.I salute them for their courage and determination.But if they could act together i believe they can put an end to this never-ending terror attacks on them.
Let us hope the resignation of Musharaff brings a new life to a better Pakistan and hope it turns into a better and safer place to live.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The nite-out cum party yesterday!!!
It was Sajeesh ettans and Nisha chechi's party for all of us.
I had a nice dinner and filled myself up.
The next thing was the night-out at anups place.It was fun and lot better than what i had expected.We were 6 of us and we had quite a chit-chat and it was a very interesting discussion and that was when i actually realised that people do think a lot and my friends also thought a lot.We were worried about many things that needed to be changed in India and we discussed on the major flaws in the Indian system as a whole.
Vinay fired it up with the question about my college and my class and everything and i was very much disappointed with my college and its people,well i am not complaining but i am not happy.This is the time when we are suppose to work hard,think smart and use our brains for good deeds but nothing is happening with me and my people in college.They are there to catch you when you fall but you only fall when you try climbing something tall i.e when you start thinking and doing things out of the box and not the conventional way.As long as we don't really do that i don't find any reason why India remains the same,as long as the attitude of the students change and as long as the education is just theoretical and the students know to practically implement what they have studied.As long as creativity is given more preference to just getting marks out of the books vomiting every shit that's there in your book,not able to question anyone and just acceoting what the others say.
Yes these were our topics of discussion yesterday.
I feel really down when we access the progress of education in India because we have not progressed at all.We still study the same old things we have been studying and we end up being a 'Jack of all trades and master of none'.But that is not what the future demands and we really lack a better system capable of bringing out the best who are masters in whatever they do.
Have you ever thought the reason why we don't get too many people winning the Nobel prize or contributing significantly for science from India??
Why is it that the people in the West have a better practical knowledge and win more laurels than we Indians in the scientific arena??
Yes that is what should be changed.
In my last post i was talking about whether India is a completely Independent nation and i would add this lack of a practical educational system to be among one of the reasons why we are still dependent!!!
In my perspective the biggest flaw in Indians is that we are lazy,lazy to do things ourselves and just follow the same path.And the reason why we follow the same path is because we are worried if we wouldn get to the destination if we go by a different path.That's what the western people are exploiting in Indians.Indians never try improving their skills once they develop a skill,rather they work the same way they were working till the quit doing it.They lack perfection & sincerity the 2 components that adds life to what you do.They do it just because that gibes them money and they can run their family with that.Yes that is enough for them,they are worried only about their living and their family and not interested in making the world a better place to live in.
I call Indians as emotional idiots,waiting for an opportunity to get angry,or fall into tears or not going to office for work.They don't understand the fact that the development of their place of work improves their way of life.It is because they are taught that way,if we are taught that sum of 2 and 2 is 5 an Indian will not question the teacher and ask him why is it 5 and tell him that it is actually 4(yes many of you might be doing it,but sorry to say majority don't do that).
The next mistake among Indians is their egoistic behaviour,they don't encourage people who do good or think different rather we term them as nerds and stay away from them.We don't encourage our own friends who think different,we forget that fact that neither Galileo on his theory about the rotation of the earth nor Einstein on his theory of relativity were accepted by the people the first time they heard it.And we just follow those same rules and who ever thinks out of the box is thrashed and are not given the support they need.
Have you ever imagined of an engine capable;e of running in diesel and petrol??Well if you haven't even thought of it then we have another Indian who is implementing it.
Have you ever thought of storing your data in a sheet of paper and decode the information through a computer??Here again we have an Indian student who has found out that we can store up to 2000GB of data in a A4 sized sheet of paper.
No one even thought that we could use thorium for fast breeder nuclear reactors and we Indians made it possible.
So we are not really incapable of changing things but its just that our system is lacking that approach,its just that we are too lazy to think and make our brain work,its just that we are ready to just accept the Wong and not question it.
I hope it changes one day and for it to change we should change.Every Indian should change,every parent should change,the students should have the liberty to learn what they love and make sure they don't hate what they do.If the child doesn't like mathematics leave him and let him study something without mathematics in it,everyone has an internal genius in him and unless we help them sort it out education is always a failure because 'a person works better once he knows what he is suppose to do and not when he is ignorant about his task and abilities'.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Are we really Independent???

Are we really Independent???
Is it that independence just means that we are no more slaves of the British???
Don't you think being Independent really means a lot more???
I am an Indian citizen who really believes that India is not independent and its just that we are taught that we are independent.An independent country will not have such a shameful politics and where the rich just get richer and poor just keep serving the rich.
A country cant really be called independent if the authorities serve the people just for canvassing votes and ruin the nation.India is not independent from the clutches of poor politicians or from hands of the capitalists(they do help in developing the nation) who are the worst tax payers(remember the primary source of income for a nation is the tax) and who are capable of turning the white money into black money.
Let me start with the politics.Has anyone ever scene an even worse behavior in the parliament where the peoples representatives show the world that they got bribes from the ruling party or that they were offered bribes by the ruling party.I was ashamed to be called an Indian then,when the world look at you with agony and shame,when the already corrupt politicians show their counterparts that they again got bribe,when the opposition party is opposing anything the ruling party wants to do whether it is good or bad.
Is that really good politics??
When the whole world is in an energy crisis and the only way out of it is to bring more of nuclear power stations,the government have no other choice but to go for it and that was when the opposition and the alliance parties oppose the very important move for their own reasons.
India is suppose to have one of the biggest oil resource in the whole world,but in spite of that they need to import more oil from other countries.They can work on developing and extracting its own oil base but they don't do that and find digging in someone else's oil well better for a lot higher price.
India is one of the slowest countries when it comes to starting a business,it is almost 15 times more than that of US and nearly 4 times more than that of our neighbors Pakistan and twice more than China.In the US starting a business takes just 5 days and in India it takes a whooping 90 days.Does that really show that we are independent???
I am proud that India is the biggest democracy in the world and do they really understand what democracy is???
The 2Nd populous country in the world should definitely have a better system for the people to elect their representatives.I am afraid that more than half of the population don't even bother voting and that deprives the nation of good politicians.I have even seen people having criminal backgrounds representing the people and later(after a long journey of murders and assassinations) become ministers.
I feel really sad when a true Indian in spite of knowing all this telling himself and others that we are independent.Independence implies a secure life,an impartial law and order and an effective judiciary.
Do you ever think you are secure in India??
Is the law and order impartial??
Every single court in the country has 1000's of cases pending and every petty case it taking years to get its result.Whose mistake is this??There is no proper judiciary in this nation,yes they can say an excuse of a 100 crore population but i am sure that we have enough number of courts to accommodate these cases and if the Indian police put in their act they can improve this situation to a great extend.
Is India really independent when the recession in America and the rest of the world affects every single family in India rich or poor??
Aren't we shifting towards the western culture,the culture what the British are following,the culture what the Americans are used to???
Aren't we using the language what the British left for us for our development??
And still we are complaining about the old British rule,no one ever understands the fact that for achieving something good we need to lose many things.That's just what we have undergone,the slavery,the misery and every suffering for igniting the present achievements in our country.
When will the Hindu's and Muslim's stop fighting with each other like Dracula waiting for an opportunity to drink each others blood or when will the educated officials remove the reservation in the educational system on the basis of caste and creed???
When can the poor man sleeping by the road side get to have a shelter,when will the underprivileged children get to go to schools and study and not work for their living??
When will the capitalists ever stop exploiting the working class depriving of their basic requirements??
When will we get to a stage where the opposition ever supports the ruling party for something good they do??
When will an Indian be able to start a business in India in a weeks time??
When will Indian judiciary be more firm and consistent and reliable and faster??
I would prefer to say that we are independent then when i get to answer all these questions myself.Till then i would be one Indian who believes that India is only partially independent and there are many things that needs to be changed in this nation!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A far cry!!!
Is it that we dont have people capable of fighting the best in the world?
The second populous country in the world is not able to send atleast .0000001% of the Indian population fit for Olympics,is that not pathetic?the 100crore people's country is not able to get 100 people participating in it when our neighbour China is getting nearly 1500 participants?When a country like Australia is able to get more people in and get more medals,when the poor people of Ethiopia and Somalia are doing better than us.
Is it a problem with the people of our country,who rejoice for every single achievement and mourn for every single downfall(mourning is more often done) or is it the problem with the authorities who know no other game than Cricket.Did they forget the fact that cricket is not even our game and we have a national game called Hockey there like a motherless child facing step-mother's neglect.
Or did Abhinav actually get the medal because he had a private room for doing his practice without having to sweat it out in the sun?Does this really imply that you need to be rich to get a medal?His father presenting his son a 200crore hotel!!!
cant we produce more Abhinav Bindra's who are not from the golden plate or not even the silver one and who dont really have a private place for practice.Cant the poor be there where this entire country wants them to be,cant the authorities ever try finding out the talents in the interiors of this country who are among the best and skill them before they are deprived off their talent by God.
When will they really learn?A true Indian can never rejoice at this single medal tally and can never be happy with the developments here.Even after 62 years of Independence we are not really there.
Too much of politics in sports make the poor being over-thrown by others.India has better swimmers in the interiors who dont even know that there is such a thing called olympics or even that swimming is a talent and they are the masters,they are people who are in the interiors whose aims never go wrong,how can we ever bring them into the real scene and show the world that Indians are just begginnign and there is a lot left for us to do.There are people capable of beating the best and make us proud more often.
I hope they make the changes and bring in a better system capable of bringing the talented kids and provide them education and hygienic food.
This is a cry of a desperate and true Indian.
Friday, August 1, 2008
This i what i like about lifeee!!!
Though i have tried blogging every single day,i am not able to keep it going and so i have decided to slow down and take my time.Thats good news for you people lol.
Let me get back to the point,so why do everyone really like life?Well different people like it for various reasons and my reason is just the ambuiguity involved in my life or probably every now and then an thorwn with a certain surprises at me,at times they are lovely surprises but mostly the ones someone wouldn really want to experience.Every fucking time i think about the consequence of my acts or fate,i feel sympathy for my parents.
The other day we had a super laugh at class over my new Principles of Management(POM-POM) lecturer for his poor language.I really pity the people whose english is influenced by the slang of their mother tongue especially the mallus who say chocolate as cho-coo-late or the tamilians who have a different way of speaking english.
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About Me

- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...