Well the topic of discussion might just seem to an aberration,and many of you might have just heard of this saying.It was quoted by Mr.Steve Jobs,CEO,Apple.For those of who,who are no mug with apple they are the ones who created the modern personal computer-macintosh(a very good invention) and the latest i-pod(the phenomenal music player) and even many more.I respect him a lot and he needs to be respected,for his contribution to this world.Without him the modern day PC's wouldn't have been so user friendly.So i am here to say few things about this topic of mine i mean stay hungry,stay foolish.
Now the reason why i have chosen such a topic.Its easy.Not many people understands what it means and it being my orkut caption they have named me the hungry and foolish man(i have no regrets though).Neither are they going to feed me(with food or knowledge) nor are they going to teach me(no offense).And the other reason,i had a comment on my last blog which said my posts sound some unhappiness in them.So here i am a little away from my thoughts of my wonderful nation and on the path of being a motivator for many out there.Please do read on because whatever i am going to say next is true,contradictions are very much welcome.
Stay Hungry,are you thinking of food now?If so being hungry doesn't mean being hungry for food rather it just asks you to be hungry for more knowledge,more creativity.It is just asking us to never stop going forward in life.If you still didn't understand(i suppose my readers are a crowd who think and so i need not explain it further but still),just take the case of the best names in business or computers or whatever.I consider the example of Microsoft.They started with the MS-Dos and now we have the Vista as the back-bone of the computing world.Had Microsoft and Mr.Gates stayed with the same MS-Dos format,we wouldn't have been here using the all new Graphical User Interface( a more technical term)Systems.So what is actually behind them being so successful,they never stopped innovating,they never stopped thinking and they were always on the hunt for a better system.In short they stayed hungry and they are the best now.So if you dream big,stay hungry.If you don't dream big,then start dreaming today,but don't just stop with dreaming do work towards realizing them and using your potential,will anyone want to waste their potential???
Stay Foolish,let me start of with the meaning of the word foolish,it means-Having or revealing stupidity.So was Mr.Jobs asking us to be stupid?Even i did wonder.But then i thought over it also.According to me,education is a wrong way of conveying the right message,annoyed?But it is.We are taught to think in the way they want us to,we are taught to think but in the wrong way.For development what we need to do is think,but think different,think independent.People around you may name you foolish,but then as long as you know your cause why bother?They name you foolish because you are different,and they can never be you.So just stay foolish.Now let me give a real life example,i hope most of you might have heard of Ramanujan(1729 is called Ramanujan's no.) the great mathematician,the first time he published his works even the better mathematicians then had termed him foolish and stupid,but then after few years Ramanujan made them turn their heads around for their comments.Even the Greek scholar Archimedes was being foolish when he ran nude around the town shouting Eureka after a certain discovery of his.
So finally i just repeat what i said,stay hungry stay foolish.Because if not for your sake,the world badly needs your potential to be a better place tomorrow.So be hungry for innovations and creativity and be foolish enough to think crazy,the world is crazy then why not its people???
(PS-If it didn't make any sense then please move on,i will keep trying till it makes sense.Excuse if i screwed up your valuable time,thank God that it just got over,i could have been a bigger bugger(means make a mess off,for those who ends up looking at a dictionary beacause there are varied meanings)you are lucky today.)
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