Life turns boring when you are single,and if you are staying very close to the happenings places seeing all those couples get-together and stuff.If not for you its really is boring for me.But that boredom as a whole has more happiness for sure from the money and time saved to preventing you from the clutches of a woman/man,though the money damage is most often done to the men.
Let me just tell you about few of the things that happened in my life the other week.
*I wrote a preliminary CAT test and i hardly understood half of the question paper and i scored a pathetic 60 marks.
*I had a drive along marina beach on Sunday evening,it was raining cats and dogs and we had a nice look at all the chicks who were on the beach trying to cross the road(they were wet),my cousin had an even better sigh at them.
*I got myself a new sun glass,i wanted a good one for a longtime and they had an attarctive discount to woo the customers,so i just bought one.
*My brother had his school culturals and he danced quite well,i saw the video.
*I had a major fight with my brother,not that we dont fight often but it was quite serious.
I cant really remember any more points,as if i am writing an exam hehe.
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Hi, this blog is all about my perception of life and the happenings and mis-happenings in my life.Few of them might even seem similar to your life too and my experiences might give you a solution for a sinking problem of yours.I have loads of cool people and they make my today lot better than yesterday and hope i make your life a better one day by day!Cheers!
Monday, July 28, 2008
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About Me

- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...
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