Finally am back to the blog world.
The past 2 weeks were the super busy kind. And this time mummy got it right, just perfect. I think time is slowly becoming good for me(horoscopes do work lol :)).
I have been into a variety of stuffs off late. I have been working for an Emcee called emMaA(name changed) and also attended a call center interview. I mean call center jobs to while away time and meet new people :). And believe me things have been going good. I am done with some 4 rounds of interviews. I got the call center job :). I was happy, but that day evening the HR calls me up and says Rahul we don't want you to work in the Call Center. I was like shit, and then she says we want you to join our business development team at Tidel Park(whoa.. Its the place man lol). And she was explaining the nature of my job out there, and I was delighted that I am not into the call center anymore. I would join their sales team and bring them business, in a way I gotta make sure that they never run out of business but all this after the final round of interview with the CEO of that company. Its a big enough concern with more than 500 employees and an interview with the CEO took me by surprise. :)
The next thing has been the job with the emcee, I am helping her out with her events and having fun doing that. I also do the man power stuffs for her and that helps me improve my database for girls and guys who seek part time jobs. In a way am able to link stuffs. Last week I worked with her for 3 events and am earning enough money to keep me happy and also the buffet lunch and dinner at the events keeps me going and thinking where the hell do these people get so much of money from(fcuk). The money and effort being put into certain events keeps me guessing, either they are bad managers or they are idiots but at the end of the day its just another day of fun and drinks for them.
Now the final event that I worked on, a cigarette promotion for the ITC brand. People spend so much money for promoting smoking, in a way they are passively killing people and making money and spending money for killing people lol, amazing isn't it?? I did the ciggi promotion at 4 pubs in Chennai and things that I saw out there were all new for me, for I have never been to any pubs all my life. I thought Chennai is a city wherein people had that tradition still going on and the culture preserved, and I just saw the other end of it and understood that I had made a mistake and I got it all wrong. I have seen guys smoking but this is the first time I was seeing females smoking and drinking so much. Oh my my, the entire atmosphere was like that girls and guys freaking out smoking and drinking and kissing and what not!!!
The best part is every girl is seen with different guys every 10 minutes and the guy happily ding dong ding lol. Every person out there was drunk and many of them were sloshed. I think we gave more sample ciggis to the girls than the guys and I was feeling bad, really bad. Not because I was letting them smoke more but the way the culture has turned out. Half the females were finding it very difficult to cover themselves and their cleavage, though I had fun looking at them it was never meant to be, I couldn't accept this culture but I guess I would get used to it. Then I understood that being Western is all about this, you should first of all forget yourself and have no self esteem.Fcuk!! If this is the way our next generation acts and behaves then we would never have relationships and love anymore, the world would be filled with jealousy, pleasure, hatred and exploitation.
May God bless us all!
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Hi, this blog is all about my perception of life and the happenings and mis-happenings in my life.Few of them might even seem similar to your life too and my experiences might give you a solution for a sinking problem of yours.I have loads of cool people and they make my today lot better than yesterday and hope i make your life a better one day by day!Cheers!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
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About Me

- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...
3 Thoughts:
Hi Rahul..
Happy to know you are placed at TIDEL park..
Keep moving..
Good one.. Let us not fall into this kinda culture... I am happy reading this post since I was a bit worried when u told me abt ur pub experience during our last conversation..:-)
I didn't get placed it was just another thing i tried. :)
@Indu Chechi
It is definitely not a matter of falling into the culture cause I know that I can never be comfortable in there chechi. It was just another day of reality for me :). Don't worry though am dirty minded everything has a limit lol.. :D
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