Few questions i want to ask the people who are terrorizing this whole nation.I wonder if they could clearly answer anyone of them.Here they are,
What are they trying to achieve??
Are these acts of terror completely bundled on religion or is there any politics involved or is it something more than that??
You are completely trying the destroy the integration of this whole nation,will you never stop??
How much of blood is shed,are they not of the same color,do you have a different colored blood??
Are you not human??
Tell me which religion in this whole world asks you to murder people and not love them?
Is India and its people not united,we have people from every religion here and in spite of that why do you want to create a religious sentiment to killing people?
Have you never tried imagining the life of the poor families after they lose their father or mother,the misery of parents losing their children,the grief of a wife losing her husband??
Remember,God is watching you,please stop this non-sense,all you have done is wrong and the best possible punishment for you is to understand your mistake and never let any drop of blood shed happen with your knowledge.Make the world a better place to live.If you are caught,your entire family will be brought down to the streets and humiliated for all the inhumane activities you have done and God will never forgive you!!!
/*I cry for the poor brothers and sisters who have lost their life because of these inhumane activities by these anti-social elements.You are in fact luckier to escape this dirty world and stay happier somewhere else,in the world above.We your fellow Indians promise to fight against them.May your souls rest in peace.Help us in eliminating these terror plots and put an end to these miserable attacks on innocent people,and bless us all,even protect us.*/
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