Hi, this blog is all about my perception of life and the happenings and mis-happenings in my life.Few of them might even seem similar to your life too and my experiences might give you a solution for a sinking problem of yours.I have loads of cool people and they make my today lot better than yesterday and hope i make your life a better one day by day!Cheers!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Two-0-Nine!! buhbyee!! :)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Finally Investing!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Back to my being myself.. 21 post number 3!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
What do i do next??
Saturday, July 11, 2009
21.. post number 2!!!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Dear Pranab Mukherji.. :)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Its been 21 years!!! :)
Yeah finally after 21 years of struggle, am old enough for a register marriage :)(all kinds of marriages but registered ones in particular). I mean the first thing that has come to my mind being 21 now is this :). In this blog i just want to look back at my life, it might end up being a big read though. Its not that i have achieved something great in life or am someone successful, but its just that it has been my life and i have had the best of lessons from ma life, that makes me say "MY LIFE IS MY LESSON".I was born in a small town called Gudalur near Ooty , days i can never forget in my life. I am still renowned as the most mischievous kid in ma family. My childhood was all the happy happy wala, wow i still relish those days when i used to climb the guava tree at Ammu chechi's place and the Paneer tree at my mom's house, yeah i was a good monkey then,J,still i am.
My mom will never ever forget those days in her life, the pain that i have given her and still for all the love she showers on me, thats how i got the first Angel in my life. Mummy i love you, if not for your patience and love i wouldn't be living in this world and if not for your sacrifices for us i wouldn't have ever learnt what love is all about.
I was more than happy to go to my kinder garden then. It was called 'Kalaivani' and it no more exists.):. Kalaivani was right opposite to ma house just beside Ammu Chechi's house. I have not much clue on how i spent my days at Kinder Graden, i still have little memories which say i hated to wear trousers(the shorter ones) and they had to get it replaced with the longer ones extending till my feet for me to stop yelling.
It seems during my kinder garden days i used to undress myself completely and put kumkum all over my body and call Ammu Chechi from my house to see and comment on my reddish-looks, its like whatever i do then i wanted her to see it and smile. Gudalur used to be a very small town without much development. All that we had in there was some few shops and a lot of Tea Estates, but the atmosphere was serene and kinda quiet except for those trucks which passed the town regularly. I used to look at them with amusement, i believe looking at them i would have wanted to become a truck driver..an adventurous profession J. I used to find the lorries with Karnataka registration more beautiful and charming, cause of their different from usual designs.
Pappa always became emotional when he said this. It seems when i was really really young, i mean a baby i used to sleep only if he makes me sleep. He used to sing that ''Kannae Kalaimane" song for me and that was when my eyelids would hug each other then. The few years of life when Rahul was really the so called innocent kid, i think i am among that group of people who lost their innocence very soon in their lives.
Then was the arrival of the next most important person in my life, my brother Rakesh. Am sure i couldn't have got a better person as brother but for him. Oh his looks when he was young, with those curly hair, very fair, he was a kid whom anyone would want to pamper. He is again the gift that God gave me, Pappa, Mummy and Rakesh this was everything to me then. But in the initial days i hated Rakesh, just because i felt that my parents were loving him more than they loved me but then when i started loving him i understood my mistake and realized that no one can ever stop loving that idiot. From then till date he has been the one who keeps us going, he is our pet and will remain so however old he becomes. For me he is my care-taker, the charming brother who loves me a lot.
I can never forget this day in my life.
I used to be with my grandma then, and mummy was at Pappa's house i guess. One fine day after granddad left for work, i went and hid myself under the cot in my uncles room. Grandma kept searching for me when she realized that i wasn't to be found anywhere around. From morning some 10 till 4 in the evening i was hiding in there, without even coming out and with no clue of what was going around. By noon all my relatives and neighbors were informed of my missing, grandma started crying and even granddad came home from work all of them worried to the core not knowing what has happened to me, with no clue on what they gonna tell my dad when he calls up. Finally at about some 4 luckily just before they were planning for a police complaint i came out of the cot saying "I fooled you", and for the first time in my life my granddad beat me, i don't remember the intensity of the beatings but it was lot lesser than the emotional and mental stress i had given them. :).
My uncle used to take me to our estate whenever he went there to pay the wages for the workers, it was always fun there. As always i would keep myself busy by climbing the trees and all, and then jumping on the plucked tea leaves and running around the estate. They used to be fun filled days, the water falls out there and all those really big estates with loads of greenery in them, they are all a pleasure for our eyes. (:.
Then the life at Wayanad, the schooling there, the coffee estates, the Pookode lake and the apple milk shakes that Pappa made everyday after we were back from school. Life at Kalpetta (Wayanad) was really nice and beautiful. I studied at NSS school, it was right behind my house a very big one. In front of my house was a small coffee estate, i used to play hide and seek inside it with my brother and neighbors there. NSS was the school which made me realize the fact that am not and can never be a good dancer, that was where i played some of the first cricket matches in my life diving like Jhonty Rhodes, that was where i learnt the basics of football, loads and loads now thinking of those days i miss many things in my life, yeah that hollow part of my heart just becomes more hollow as if i am missing something very significant in making me who i am now. I had a very good friend named Ashwin, i wonder if he would ever be thinking of me now but one good thing about me is that i can never forget the people in my life. Thanks to God for that.
I tried my first shot at dancing at NSS during my Annual Day, for the super hit song "One Way Ticket", the song was so rocking that it dragged everyone outside the hall to come and see what's happening inside. I had practiced the dance pretty well but seeing the crowd i guess i forgot all the steps and rest all was history J. Since that day most of my seniors whenever they met me at school would be like "Rahul i will teach you some good dance so that you can perform well next year". There had been days when i tried escaping their vision and going the other way just to make sure that they don't comment again.(:.
We met with our first accident at Kalpetta, Pappa,Mummy,Rakesh and Me were the victims. Myself and Pappa escaped with not much injuries and even Rakesh was kinda fine. But my poor Mummy got scratches all over her hands L since she was trying hard to make sure that Rakesh doesn’t fall down and she held him even when she fell down. That’s love, I learnt.
We were there at Kalpetta for quite sometime, I don’t remember the number of years though for I haven’t stayed at the same place for more than 3 years if not for Chennai. A little behind my house situated one of my dads friends house and my friends(mostly my school seniors) had told me that another house near that house had ghosts in it. I feared to look that side when it got dark. That was the age when you tend to believe everything you are told, especially about ghosts and all. Whenever mom went out in the evening she would ask myself and Rakesh to sit at home and not go out since there would be ghosts around.
This was funny when I think of it now. At times Mummy used to switch off all the lights in the house and spread her hair and act as if she is a ghost. Oh myself and Rakesh used to get dead scared of it. But its all fun and it was nice. We didn’t have much entertainments but for such things. As I had said, my school was just behind my house and so was the school playground. So everything that happens at the ground could be seen from the house. My Physical Trainer at NSS used to be really a harsh person and he used to abuse the students badly, Rakesh would listen to most of them and one day he abused my PT sir with those words he learnt listening to him, all this happened in front of the students am just imagining how embarrassed he would have been then hehe.
To be cont.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
mArRiAgEs, exPeRiEnCes!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thanks Brother!

Aaja Aaja Jind Shamiyane Ke Tale
Aaja Jariwale Nile Aasman Ke Tale.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Govinda Govinda...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Getting drunk!!!
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About Me

- My life is my lesson!
- Just the guy next door, who plans to do things and the plans never get executed...